Those who genuinely care about life regardless of form need to guard the gate of the five senses. Often we take on too much and harm our personal frequency by weakening it as a result of our caring nature.
Keep in the front of your mind that consciousness creates.  If more of the individual consciousness currently living on the planet had been authentic in their religious belief and actually lived the teachings of brotherhood and respect for life, the world would not be in this serious situation.  Nothing happens by accident. We create. It is as simple as that.
If good change is to happen, the consciousness of humanity must seriously embrace the higher teachings of love and kindness. If not, the suffering will continue.  Enough is enough.
In the meantime, those of us who deeply care must remember to care for self and fully understand that ongoing grief and other similar emotions eventually harm.  We who are naturally compassionate  must also have compassion for ourselves who have chosen to live during this time of selfishness and ignorance.

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